Many people are quite unaware of what it takes to become a nurse and are possibly just as unaware of the different types of nursing occupations available. There are programs that can be found helping students obtain what is called a Licensed Practical Nurse, or LPN status while still enrolled in high school. There also are career and vocational schools where students can obtain the needed course study in order to become an LPN. However, it is becoming increasingly more popular, as well as critical, in today’s healthcare industry for individuals seeking to become nursing professionals to obtain at least a minimum of becoming a registered nurse.
Nursing Presents Different Career Paths
There are several different career paths interested individuals can take in order to become a Registered Nurse. The specific career paths are designed to help every kind of student seeking to become a nurse whether that individual has no work experience or prior academic background that would prepare them for a career in the healthcare industry. There are also different career pathways for individuals who have been out in the workforce for quite some time and are seeking to make a change to nursing. In almost every situation, there should be no financial obstacle placed in the way of any individual prohibiting the successful completion of a course of study leading to becoming a licensed nurse.
All Students Must Meet Minimum Requirements
However, despite the path chosen to become a Registered Nurse, there are minimal requirements that must be met in order to obtain a license. Discover the different types of individuals wishing to become a Registered Nurse and possibly select one of the suggested paths that will make this dream come true.
Who Wants to Be a Nurse?
There are many different types of individuals seeking to become a healthcare professional. Perhaps, a high school student is seeking to become a nurse and has never had any college or maybe no work experience at all. This type of individual might consider enrolling in a Associate’s of Science in Nursing degree program or may consider enrolling in a four-year program leading to a Bachelors Degree In Nursing.
Already Have a BS?
Individuals already possessing a bachelor’s degree in a different subject area wishing to obtain a bachelors degree in nursing will find options open to them that will require far less time than four years to complete. In any event, the high salaries commanded by nursing professionals will have whatever it takes to finance and education well worth the effort just after a few months of being on the job is a Registered Nurse.
Conduct a Thorough Search
Despite the option needed by an individual’s personal set of circumstances and requirements, it is important to do a thorough search of the schools and programs available to meet your specific needs. A good rule of thumb is to always select at least three schools that meet your requirements. Many might have a waiting list and many may require the taking of a Nursing Entrance Test (NET) that must be completed before applying to said school. The requirements would be different say, for example, if an applicant is already a Licensed Practical Nurse seeking to become a Registered Nurse. They’re quite a few popular programs available that include what are called LPN to RN bridge programs. The aforementioned statement that today’s healthcare industry is pretty much focusing on the hiring of Registered Nurses makes it difficult for individuals to stop at the LPN level. Furthermore, although many medical institutions have grandfathered anyone already employed who is at this level, individuals who are Licensed Practical Nurses should consider furthering education to obtain the Registered Nurse level to keep their medical career on track with one of the main rewards being an increase in salary. Additionally, since many employers are seeking to attract registered nurses to their staff as a minimum requirement, LPNs may find that an employer is quite willing and able to help finance and education toward becoming a Registered Nurse. Typically, most medical institutions offer some type of tuition assistance since it is in their best interest to make sure that they have the most qualified staff possible.
Accelerated Programs Are Attractive Choices
Often, individuals who have already received a degree or several degrees worry about becoming a nurse. Such individuals do not need to be discouraged since there are many accelerated second bachelor degree programs available or obtaining an Associate’s Degree In Nursing (ADN) to go along with any degree that has already been obtained. Yes, there may be a need to go back and take several undergraduate courses as prerequisites for studying about becoming a nurse. However, despite your personal and employment situation at the moment, there is a program that can be designed to fit your specific needs whether this is to complete a program as quickly as possible or to work at a steady and even pace while presently employed. In any event, requirements to take the license exam for becoming a Registered Nurse call for applicants to possess either an Associate’s or Bachelors degree in nursing.
Check out the variety of posts here that indicate the different scenarios available for people seeking to find a personal and financially rewarding career as a nursing professional.
Thank you so much for the information. i am from kenya in east africa i enrolled to a nursing school for a diploma in nursing as a freshman from high school where i was accepted and classes begun today but i am still at home due to lack of funds to start me through nursing school. is there any way you can help me raise approximately 85000 kenyan shillings for my 1st year in school please
i want to enroll for nursing, so i need your help
I would like to enroll for nursing and I need help in fulfilling my dream of becoming a professional nurse
Thanks for kind information and I’m
From srilanka. I have more questions please help me
i want to apply for a bursury and enroll for a clinic nurse…need your help