It really doesn’t make a great deal of a difference what course of study any student chooses to pursue when it comes to paying for the costs of such training. Tuition, books, supplies, transportation, food and lodging can take a deep cut into personal resources and, in many situations, cannot be afforded. Even though most Certified Nursing Assistant programs can last only a couple of weeks or, at most, a few months, these programs can still carry a price tag that many people, especially ones supporting their families, find difficult to handle. However, financial need should never be a deciding factor when it comes to pursuing a medical career or even training for an entry-level position such as a CNA. There is a good deal of money available that can assist any individual seeking to pursue a dream toward becoming a trained and qualified medical professional. Having the knowledge of where to look for financial assistance is a good step toward fulfilling such a dream.
Check out the Hiring Facility
When it comes to finding financial assistance for CNA training, the best place to look first is a facility hiring Certified Nursing Assistants. Since there is generally an overwhelming shortage of qualified nurses nationally, many medical facilities that employ CNAs are offering cost reimbursement for students who agree to work at the sponsoring facility for a specified period of time. Sometimes, certification training may be offered free of charge at the sponsoring institution. The caveat here is that there will be some type of agreement necessary stipulating employment agreements including shift assignments, pay and more. Although occasionally this type of agreement may present some challenges, since there is a great need for trained personnel, more than often the employment agreement signed in exchange for a full scholarship is quite a good deal for the student.
Look to Local Educational Facilities
Other training facilities such as local community colleges and vocational schools sometimes offer scholarship programs that can pay all or some costs for the education obtained. Many local programs target low income applicants or specialty groups such as single parents or minority groups. Check with the financial aid departments at these educational facilities to see what types of programs are available and what requirements are needed to qualify for assistance.
Check Out Government Sources
There are many different kinds of scholarships available from a variety of federal and state sources. However, potential CNA program students should be made aware that many government scholarships are typically reserved for attending either two-year or four-year education programs. Most CNA programs are short-term and thus may not be eligible for federal scholarships. But, there’s no need to despair since the intense shortage for qualified nursing personnel has compelled many state and local governments, along with sponsoring businesses, to offer assistance to individuals seeking nursing careers – at all levels. In fact, state governments often offer scholarships to gain qualified personnel to work in high demand areas for specified periods of time in exchange for a free education.
Consult With Private Groups
Do not overlook private groups and organizations that may offer scholarships particularly those set up to help the medical field, nursing in general or certified nursing assistants specifically. Service organizations such as the Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions and more often offer scholarships to local individuals that reside in the area where the organization’s chapter exists. Check with local elder advocate groups for scholarship possibilities. Often, when an applicant is a member or family of a member, scholarships are targeted to help “one of their own.”
Ask Your Employer for Assistance
Many individuals already employed by medical facilities in a non-nursing capacity (food service, housekeeping and others) may look to their employer for scholarships to train to become a Certified Nursing Assistant. Trained medical personnel usually are of high priority for many facilities, especially ones catering to an elderly population. Often, these facilities create ongoing programs designed to either eliminate or lessen the financial burden for present employees seeking a career change to nursing and becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant. The good news is that this type of program usually allows students to remain employed at the facility while pursuing an education that will not only lead to a personally rewarding career but one with a higher salary.
There are actually very few, if any financial excuses that would prohibit an individual from pursuing a nursing career.Financial assistance can be found with a little research where such funding can have a dramatic effect upon the student who, when trained, will have a positive effect upon people served.